With the first event of 2015 in the books, officials at the Canadian Karting Challenge (CKC) and Innisfil Kart Club (IKC) would like to thank everyone for participating in the first round last weekend.
“We had a great turn out for our first event of 2015,” explains Innisfil Indy’s Tony Launi. “Everyone had a great time, with lots of great racing action and lots of pizza! Congratulations to all the race winners and all the drivers on a job well done.”
Podium finishers for Round #1 of the CKC:
1st - Antonio Pasubio
2nd - Hudson Hamelin
3rd - Victoria Pasubio
Sr. Honda:
1st - Dylon Harlow
2nd - Matthew Ashley
3rd - Chriss Donnelly
Jr. Heavy:
1st - Zach Latimer
2nd - Megan Gilkes
3rd - Francesca Pasubio
Sr. Rotax / DD2 Masters:
1st - John Ciufo
2nd - Antonio De Assis
3rd - John Monteiro
Jr. 125 Shifter:
1st - Simone Masini
2nd - Dante Ciufo
3rd - Lucio Masini
Sr. 125 Shifter:
1st - Zack Meyer
2nd - Chad Campbell
3rd - Nelson Learn
The CKC, now in its second season, continues to grow providing great racing action, a family friendly atmosphere, and an amazing prize package. The Jr. and Sr. 125cc Shifter classes have seen a jump in entry numbers, as well as the exciting Rotax DD2 category. With a host of class options available at the CKC, there is something for everyone.
Classes for the 2015 Canadian Karting Challenge include: Novice, Jr. Briggs/ Honda, Sr. Briggs/ Honda, Master Briggs/ Honda, Sr. Rotax, Sr. DD2 Rotax, Sr. Master Rotax, DD2 Master, Micro Max, Mini Max, Jr. Rotax, Jr. 125cc Shifter, Sr. 125cc Shifter and Sr. 125cc Master.
Remaining dates for the 2015 Canadian Karting Challenge Race Schedule include:
June 7, 2015 – Innisfil Indy
July 5, 2015 – Innisfil Indy
July 25, 2015 – Shannonville Motorsports Park
August 9, 2015 – Innisfil Indy
September 13, 2015 – Innisfil Indy
“Thank you also to all the mothers who came out to support their kids at the racetrack on Mother’s Day,” continued Launi. “All the moms are the true champions! We hope to see everyone again at the next IKC race on May 24, and Round #2 of the CKC on June 7 with TKC. All are welcome to join us!”
Please be sure to check www.InnisfilKartClub.ca for up-to-date news, information, points and schedule details.
For more information on Innisfil Indy Karting, please visit www.InnisfilIndyKarting.com, email racing@innisfilindy.com or call 905-775-4686.
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