Re-launching less than three weeks ago, KartingSource.com continues to gain momentum and build online inventory in karting related products. Designed as a marketplace for both new and used karting items, products are continually being added to the website on a daily basis and website sales and traffic are on the rise.
“It was a lot of work to learn the system and to get vendors comfortable with posting their items,” explained Mike Maurini, Owner of Race Tech Development, the operating company of the Karting Source website. “We have added several new items and have had a lot of communication with teams and members of the karting industry who are excited about the website. We will continue to push hard and ensure success.”
Users can post anything karting from tools to engines to complete racing packages for only a small sales fee when the items sell.
“Nothing is too old, too small or too big and it is free to post your ad,” continued Maurini. “We assist in all aspects from the posting of the ad to the final sale and shipping of the product to ensure a secure and speedy transaction. We invite everyone to give Karting Source a try.”
To help users get their initial posts online, Karting Source is inviting all vendors to send ads to either Mike Maurini via e-mail at Mike@KartingSource.com or to Chris Wheeler at Chris@KartingSource.com.
Maurini added, “We will continue to go through the process to help set up an account and get your ads posted online before passing over account details to the user. Vendors can also head directly to the website or Karting Source smartphone app and set up their own accounts and begin posting immediately.”
For information on Karting Source, please contact company officials at KartingSource.com or via e-mail to Info@KartingSource.com.
For information on press releases or other media services offered by Race Tech Development, please contact Mike Maurini via e-mail at Info@RaceTechDevelopment.com or 317.270.8723. Race Tech Development can also be found on Twitter at @RaceTechDvlp as well as Facebook at their Race Tech Development Fan Page.