
As the United States Pro Kart Series (USPKS) enters its sophomore season, the series continues to evolve and provide a solid structure for national level racing. Poised and ready to take 2014 by storm, the USPKS program has put in place a defined ladder of classes from Yamaha Rookie to Leopard Pro.

“I am very pleased with the class structure that we have in place for 2014,” expressed series owner Mark Coats. “We have put in place a defined ladder from the rookie division to the pro classes. For followers outside of karting, they can see this defined ladder and it will be easier for them to follow and get into the sport of karting.”

Beginning at the bottom and working the way up the ladder, the Yamaha divisions will be apparent, as the USPKS will run Yamaha 100 Rookie, Yamaha 100 Cadet, Yamaha 100 Junior and Yamaha 100 Pro. All classes will qualify on new tires and must use the same tires for the entire event weekend. While the Yamaha Rookie and Yamaha Cadet classes will utilize the MG HZ (Red) tire, the Yamaha Junior and Yamaha Pro ranks will run the much softer and quicker MG FZ (Yellow) tire.

Moving to the TaG divisions, there will be four different classes beginning with the Mini-Rok 60 Cadet class for 8-12 year old competitors.

“We are happy to have a premier series in the Midwest add the Mini Rok class to their program,” expressed OTK USA’s Andre Martins. “There is great participation at other series across the United States and I am confident that Mark and the USPKS program can build the class throughout this part of the country. Mark has a great program and brilliant ideas for the future and Vortex is happy to be part of it.”

From there, drivers can make the transition to the Leopard powerplants to compete in Leopard 125 Junior, Leopard 125 Pro and the Parilla 125 Challenge for drivers over the age of 30. While the Leopard 125 Junior and Leopard 125 Pro will utilize only IAME Leopard engine packages, the Parilla 125 Challenge division will allows the use of both the Leopard and X30 engines.

Coats added, “We are not allowing the X30 engine in the Junior or Pro ranks in 2014 but are reviewing it for the 2015 season. The disparity and speed differential between the engines will raise the cost of karting and we want to provide an equal and level playing field for a national campaign, and not make it about who has the most money for the right engine package.”

The Leopard 125 Pro class will utilize the MG FZ (Yellow) tire compound and will be required to have a new set of tires for both event days. The Leopard 125 Junior class will qualify on new tires on Saturday and be required to use the same tires throughout the event weekend while Parilla 125 Challenge competitors will be required to qualify on new tires, and will have a total of six to use throughout the event.

“To help grow the Parilla 125 Challenge divisions, we are allowing drivers from 16 years of age and up. 16 – 29 year old non-pro competitors may compete in the class as determined by USPKS. Also, to decrease costs, any driver in the Parilla 125 Challenge division will have to declare their engine of choice and utilize that for the 2014 USPKS season,” continued Coats.

2014 United States Pro Kart Series Class Structure:
Drivers Age: 7-10 Years Old
Engine: Yamaha KT100
Carburetor: Walbro WA55
Exhaust: Spec RLV 7500 YBX
Weight: 225 Lbs
Tires: MG “HZ” Reds 4.60/4.60
Must qualify on new tires and race
the same set Saturday & Sunday

Drivers Age: 8-12 Years Old
Engine: Yamaha KT100
Carburetor: Walbro WA55
Exhaust: Spec RLV 7548 SSX
Weight 250 Lbs
Tires: MG “HZ” Reds 4.60/4.60
Must qualify on new tires and race
the same set Saturday & Sunday

Driver Age: 12-15 Years Old
Engine: Yamaha KT100
Carburetor: Walbro WB3A
Exhaust: Spec RLV 7548 SSX
Weight: 310 Lbs
Tires: MG “FZ” Yellows 4.60/6.00
Must qualify on new tires and race
the same set Saturday & Sunday

Drivers Age: 15+ Years Old
Engine: KT100
Carburetor: Walbro WB3A
Exhaust: Spec RLV 7548 SSX
Weight: 350 Lbs
Tires: MG “FZ” Yellows 4.50/7.10
Must qualify on new tires and race
the same set Saturday & Sunday

Mini-Rok 60 Cadet
Driver Age: 8-12 Years Old
Engine: Vortex 60cc TAG Engine
Carburetor: As supplied by Manufacturer
Exhaust: As supplied by Manufacturer
Weight: 242 Pounds
Tires: MG “HZ” Reds 4.60/4.60
Must qualify on new tires and race
the same set Saturday & Sunday

Leopard 125 Junior
Driver Age: 13-15 Years Old
Engine: IAME Leopard w/Factory 25mm Header
Carburetors: Tillotson HL334a, HL334ab & HL334aa
Weight: 330 Lbs
Tires: MG “FZ” Yellows 4.60/7.10
You must have 1 year experience in the YAMAHA JUNIOR CLASS to race this class
Must qualify on new tires and race
the same set Saturday & Sunday

Parilla 125 Challenge
Driver Age: 30+ Years Old or 16 – 29 non-pro drivers (as determined by USPKS)
* If under 30 years of age, competitor may not run both Parilla 125 Challenge and Leopard 125 Pro. Also, if under 30 years of age and competitor move up to "Pro", competitor may not move back to "Challenge" without special permission from USPKS.
Engines: IAME Leopard 390 Lbs
Carburetors: Tillotson HL334a, HL334ab & HL334aa
Engine: IAME X-30 405 Lbs
Carburetor: Tryton Hobby 27-C / 2009
**Engine of choice must be declared before first official qualifying session of 2014 season. Competitor must utilize this choice of engine for entire USPKS season. If competitor decides to change engine model, all points attained up to that point of the season will be forfeited.
Tires: MG “FZ” Yellows 4.60/7.10
New Tires required on Saturday, total of 6 tires for the weekend

Driver Age: 16+ Years Old
Engine: IAME Leopard
Carburetor: Tillotson HL334a, HL334ab & HL334aa
Exhaust: As supplied by Manufacturer
Weight: 365 Lbs
Tires: MG “FZ” Yellows 4.60/7.10
New Tires are required both days

For more information on the United States Pro Kart Series, please visit them online at www.USPKS.com or contact Mark Coats via e-mail mcoats.uspks@gmail.com. For information on the Route 66 Sprint Series, please visit them online at www.Route66KartRacing.com or contact via e-mail to Info@Route66KartRacing.com. For information on MG Tires and their wide variety of karting tires and compounds, please visit them online at www.MGTires.com.

For information on press releases or other media services offered by Race Tech Development, please contact Mike Maurini via e-mail at Info@RaceTechDevelopment.com or 317.270.8723. Race Tech Development can also be found on Twitter at @RaceTechDvlp as well as Facebook at their Race Tech Development Fan Page.